beagled-helper is sucking all of the resources!

Amadeus W. M. amadeus84 at
Tue Jan 9 15:01:26 UTC 2007

On Tue, 09 Jan 2007 19:12:05 +1030, Tim wrote:

> On Tue, 2007-01-09 at 06:51 +0000, Amadeus W. M. wrote:
>> I like in FC how some things are setup (particularly, the automounter
>> and printing), but I find it annoying that beagle and selinux are
>> enabled by default.
> I removed beagle from the get go, but I can't say that I've had problems
> with SELinux since FC5.  Of course you've got to customise it if you're
> running servers, but then you've also got to configure the server (both,
> usually, require non-default options).  But I haven't had any issues
> attributable to it in the general running of client PCs.

In good faith I did try both beagle and selinux. In FC4 or even FC2 I
think, I had some (possibly minor) problems due to selinux which I wasn't
willing to look into, so I disabled it, and kept it that way to this day.
Life is good even without selinux. I'm not NSA, I don't have confidential
information of national interest on my pc, so why take up resources with
things I don't need? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying selinux is a bad
idea, it's good if you're a spy agency, or a bank, etc. Just having to
disable it each time I install a new FC release is annoying. But I won't
complain, it's a small price to pay.

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