FC6: Network transparency/Application awareness mismatches

Gilboa Davara gilboad at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 14:37:42 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 15:50 -0800, Ken Tanzer wrote:
> When using either fish: or sftp: protocols to browse remote directories 
> (via konqueror), many files, in particular MS-Word files and graphics 
> will not open properly.
> We did a little digging, and it looks like if, for example, you try to 
> open an OpenOffice file via sftp, then konqueror is passing on the URL 
> directly to OO, as if it should understand it, as in :
> /usr/lib/openoffice.org2.0/program/soffice -writer 
> sftp://user@host/path/filename.doc
> If OO is supposed to understand this protocol, it's not working right.  
> I don't think it is, though.  I think konqueror is supposed to know that 
> OO doesn't understand, and instead download the file to a temp 
> directory, and call OO to open if from there.
> That is the behavior I'm used to, and also the behavior I get if instead 
> of "open" or "open with word processor" I specify "open with" / 
> "/usr/bin/oowriter"
> The same behavior seems to apply for Gimp as well.
> Does anyone know how KDE is configured to specify that apps can handle 
> sftp or fish protocols, and how we can fix this problem?  Also, I can 
> file a bug on this, but figured I'd ask first, especially in case I'm 
> missing something obvious! :)
> Thanks.
> Ken

I'm guessing here.
But I'd guess that konq assumes that the target application is also KDE
based and as such, capable of handling kioslave-like URLs (E.g. fish://)
For now, gnome-vfs does not handle complex URL and as a result, OO and
GTK cannot handle them.
Does krusader show them results?

- Gilboa

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