command to copy hidden files?

Lyvim Xaphir knightmerc at
Wed Jan 24 00:44:26 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 06:07 -0800, Dave Stevens wrote:
> Hi 
> I've tried to copy files from my home folder to do a disk upgrade. I
> foolishly only copied the visible (non-dot) files. Now I'd like to copy
> only the . files (recursively) but don't see what the syntax is. Anyone?
> Dave

If you want to get a listing of all the dot files in the directory, do

ls -a | grep '^\.'

If you've already copied the non-dot files and you just want to grab the
dot files from the current directory and send them to a destination, do

$ ls -a | grep '^\.' |xargs cp -vax -t /destination/directory

Note that this will grab the dot-directories and their contents as

If you want to grab everything wholesale from the current directory,
(including the dot dirs), and copy that to your desired destination,
then do this:

ls -a |xargs cp -vax -t /destination/directory

If you'd like to tarball the current directory with just the dot files,

ls -a | grep '^\.' |xargs tar -cvf dotdir_backup.tar

Then you can copy the dotdir_backup.tar to wherever and then extract in
that other remote directory.  Handy for ftp or network transfers, or
even a transfer via a USB drive.  For maximum compression use -jcvf
instead of -cvf.

A simple way to copy an entire home directory including dotfiles is to
do this:

cd /home

cp -vax yourhomedir /destination/directory

Bear in mind that this will result in

 /destination/directory/yourhomedir/"all your files"

Rather than 

/destination/directory/"all your files"

Rots of ruck! :)


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