YUM: out-with-xalan & in-with-saxonB ??

Lance Drake lance at drake.org
Thu Jan 25 02:27:18 UTC 2007

Hi Pascal,

	Good golly - that is incredibly helpful info.  Thank you so much.  I  
cc'd the Fedora group with your note as they may very well be others  
who can make good use of your instructions/example.

Best Wishes,

Lance Drake

>> 	My challenge now is to locate the CLASSPATH in question so as to  
>> be  able to make that change from Xalan to SaxonB - which I will  
>> try to do.
> As I understand it, you may need to setup the CLASSPATH yourself,  
> if you are using jpackage. You have several options for this. You  
> can create a new file called 'java.sh' in /etc/profile.d that  
> contains the Jars that
> you want. Instructions on Stanton Finley's site will give you  
> details on setting up Java, but you only need to pay attention to  
> the part about java.sh (see http://stanton-finley.net/ 
> fedora_core_5_installation_notes.html )

> Note that this method will setup CLASSPATH system-wide, meaning  
> that other users on your computer will also use the same CLASSPATH  
> settings. My personal preference is to add the CLASSPATH line  
> inside my home directory, in the file '.bash_profile'. This is what  
> my .bash_profile looks like:
> # ---------------------------------------------
> # .bash_profile
> # Get the aliases and functions
> if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
>         . ~/.bashrc
> fi
> # User specific environment and startup programs
> # JAVA environment variables
> JAVA_HOME=/opt/ibm/java2-i386-50
> # DITA environment variables
> ANT_HOME=/opt/apache-ant-1.6.5
> ANT_OPTS="-Xmx256M"
> XALAN_HOME=/opt/xalan-j_2_7_0
> FOP_HOME=/opt/fop-0.20.5
> DITA_HOME=/home/chongym/DITA-OT1.3.1
> CLASSPATH=$FOP_HOME/build/fop.jar:$FOP_HOME/lib/batik.jar:
> $FOP_HOME/lib/avalon-f
> ramework-cvs-20020806.jar:$XALAN_HOME/xalan.jar:$DITA_HOME/lib:
> $DITA_HOME/lib/do
> st.jar:$DITA_HOME/lib/resolver.jar:$CLASSPATH
> # ----------------------------------------------
> Note that I am using Xalan here. If I wanted Saxon, I would simply  
> add "SAXON_HOME=" and point it to the install directory for Saxon  
> and add the jars to my CLASSPATH definition above.
> pascal chong

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