FC6 i386 to FC7 x86_64

David Timms dtimms at iinet.net.au
Sun Jul 1 08:51:45 UTC 2007

Javier Perez wrote:
> Hi
> How do I go from a FC6 i386 system to a FC7 x86_64 system without
> data loss?
I don't know if that is a ~supported or even possible thing to do. {and
I have never tried it}.
see eg:

> I had to change the motherboard of my MythTV system. Given the fact
> that x86_4 support was poor at the time I built it, I went i386 on
> the install. Now it looks like x86_64 is better supported and I want
> to move to a x86_64-only system.
> I was able to upgrade from FC6 to FC7 in another system using yum
> only (I think my DVDwriter is toast, The FC7DVD came out a coaster).
> Therefore I'd rather use the yum/rpm way to upgrade. Nevertheless
> when I downloaded the x86_64 kernel, rpm refused to install/upgrade
> my current kernel to that version.
{There is a file under /etc that indicates the architecture {i cant 
remember what it is}.}

You are going to need to do a full install.
Now, in terms of your data you need to ensure:
- that you have multiple partitions
- user data, downloads, recordings are not on the / partition.
- take a copy of /etc {config/settings}, /boot, /root, and /var{default 
location of mysql database storage} onto this other partition.
- rpm -qa>rpm-qa.my_cf6_system.txt {to a location that isn't going to be 
- rpm -qa --queryformat="%{NAME} ">package-to-install.txt
This makes a space separated list of packages on your previous system, 
that you can copy/paste into a yum install command after you have 
installed the x86_64 system {limit is about 5 lines per command from 

Network or hard disk install can be your friend if you have a wonky dvd 
writer/reader. For hard disk method, you need to have a partition that 
you wont be formatting during the install, and you place the dvd iso 
image at the root of that partition {easiest}, and note the partition 
name {~ /dev/sda6}.

Then you can boot a boot.iso or rescuecd.iso cd image {or a few other 
ways directly of your hard disk} for the x86_64 architecture. And choose 
"hard disk" as the install method.

> Is there a minimum set of  programs that I have to update together to
> make the switch to x86_64?
Its ~ the packages that yum remove kernel {no} would have you remove = ~ 


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