Here are some of my ideas for Fedora 8 and Fedora 9

Valent Turkovic valent.turkovic at
Wed Jul 4 07:40:21 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 21:27 +0000, Thufir wrote:
> Why?  It takes just a moment to install those via yum (for most
> people).  
> Plus, if it's a live cd, then there will be only minimal stuff on the
> cd.
> if it's a dvd, then just click the box for the software you want...
> -Thufir 

If you don't have it on by default how do expect user new to
fedora/linux can even know about it. If there was a video on the desktop
explaining all the features that users can enable... maybe then. Give a
fresh fedora install to some one who has maybe heard of linux or even
worked on it once and tell them to install and start desktop search.
How do they even know it is named beagle? How can they find out how to
set it up so it start every time automatically... this is overwhelming
for new users.
Sure I can install it with one yum command, but that is not the issue.  

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