Connecting an extra computer to Internet

Steve Searle steve at
Thu Jul 5 21:36:24 UTC 2007

Around 10:22pm on Thursday, July 05, 2007 (UK time), Paul Smith scrawled:

> Thanks, Rick and all other respondents. Yes, my DSL modem connects to
> my computer by using an RJ45 connector. The shopkeeper where I went to
> buy a switch claims that the switch may not work and that I should
> instead buy a router. So, I would like to ask you whether it is really
> as he claims.

The switch *should* work, but I suppose their is always an element of
risk.  It might be worth checkign with your ISP, to see if they can
suggest the best solution (although they may just use it as an
opportunity to sell you a new router, or their conditions may not allow
you to share the connection with two or more PCs.

Otherwise, unless you wanted to add wireless networking to your setup, I
would try a cheap switch first.  Perhaps even one from ebay - even one
like this would be fine:
(I presume you are not in the UK so don't buy this one).

If you do want wireless networking (I think you mentioned your friend
had a laptop), then it is probaly easier to replace your DSL modem with
a wireless router.


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