uvcvideo in Fedora?

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at att.net
Thu Jul 5 23:24:25 UTC 2007

In reading up on the ever-perplexing topic of webcams, I came
across the fairly recent advent of the UVC standard and the
even more recent uvcvideo driver from the Linux-UVC project.

Any plans afoot to include uvcvideo as part of Fedora in
the near (or even not so near) future?

It sounds as if the manufacturers have finally realized that
it is to everyone's benefit if video devices can be just
as plug&play as disk drives. (Although it is currently quite
difficult to actually find info on the manufacturers web
sites about UVC compliance. The UVC folks need to make one
of them catchy logos everyone can put on their boxes so you
can tell :-).

I did build the uvcvideo driver from source, and it seems
to work (which kinda surprised me - usually you have to
fiddle with this stuff for a long time first).

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