Connecting an extra computer to Internet

Paul Smith phhs80 at
Fri Jul 6 10:36:31 UTC 2007

On 7/6/07, Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at> wrote:
> > I have a Motorola Cable modem supplied to me by my cable company.  One
> > end is connected to a fork or splitter on the incoming cable.  Next I
> > have a cheap AOpen router ($20 - $25 US or CAD$) which can take four
> > computer installations connected by a RJ45 line.  By luck this house was
> > purchased with lines from every room.  That means the router can handle
> > anything up to 100 feet away.  Buy as long a RJ45 line as you think you
> > will need.
> RJ45 is actually a connector type but what is more significant is the
> wire type.  You need cat 5 wire for 100M connections and they can be up
> to 100 meters long.

I have meanwhile bought a switch and it works. However, the speed of
the Internet connection  seems to be much lower in one of the two
computers. Is there some way of improving the speed?


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