WiFi for a laptop

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at courier-mta.com
Fri Jul 6 22:20:41 UTC 2007

Karl Larsen writes:

>     I have been reading and learning and have decided as Timothy Murphy 
> has to stop using the NetworkManager. It seems to add more confusion to 
> an already confused subject.
>     There are a lot of iwxxx applications that will help get the WiFi 
> working IF you know what your doing. It's clear you need to know the 
> name of the actual WiFi radio in your laptop.

Not really. I have no idea what's in the two laptops that I have, and they 

>                                               I think Windows will tell 
> me this. So next I will get this and then apply it to iwlist.
>     If anyone has been down this path I could use some pointers.

The overwhelming majority of laptops have Intel Centrino chipsets which -- 
especially in Fedora 7 -- are generally trouble-free.

Now, if you're talking about a laptop with an AMD CPU, that's probably when 
things begin to get dicey.

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