intel wireless

Karl Larsen k5di at
Wed Jul 11 12:20:55 UTC 2007

ti479 wrote:
> ok i got fc 7 up and running- now i need to get my wireless going the
> intel 3945. i read through the other post and downloaded the ipw3945d
> the ipw3945-firmware, and the dkms-ipw3945 packages. i tried to
> configure a new wireless interface but after i go through the motions
> of setting up the i.p address and stuff i cannot activate it because
> fedora dosent register my wireless card. and now that o have read
> trought the other forum i wanted to know if anyone found a way to
> actually get these things working.???
    Yes, there are many who have laptops with the many Intel hardware 
devices working under F7. But please give us more information. It is 
possible your not using the right software.

    Please do this: As a root do # lspci | grep wireless and if no 
output just #lspci and make sure you see and understand the hardware.

Now goto the web page and find your 
hardware and the software you will need.

    Now use this # modprobe filename and if it says "no such file" your 
kernel does not have the software you need.

    Please do this and let us know the results


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