Can Linux beat XP in homes yet or NOT?

Knute Johnson knute at
Sat Jul 14 04:03:55 UTC 2007

>Secondly, please tell me how you manage to get XP running in half an
>hour.  It takes far longer than half an hour on all the PCs I've seen to
>prep the drive and install the software.  Never mind what comes after
>the first boot of the barebones system.

Lot's of practice reloading it :-).  I've had to load it many times 
for work and you get pretty good at it after a while.

As for Linux, I can't get F7 to run on my mail server and it's clone. 
 It just won't boot.  I'm SOL.  I'm going to have to buy a new 
computer for my mail server or go back to a Windows system like 

If I had unlimited time I think I might try playing with BSD.  It 
should run on my old mail server computers.

Knute Johnson
Molon Labe...

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