F7 install Kernel Panic -

Bob Goodwin bobgoodwin at wildblue.net
Sun Jul 15 10:05:21 UTC 2007

I have a new Live CD install that after partially configuring I yum 
updated but which can not boot to the new kernel [3228.fc7].

It starts off normally and quits early on with "Kernel Panic - not 
syncing: Attempted to kill init!" whatever that means, I love those 
error messages.

There's too much for me to type manually but it begins with "mount: 
could not find file system '/dev/root'" which sounds fatal!

That leaves the keyboard dead and requires resetting the computer.

The original kernel [3193.fc7] seems to boot normally.

Not sure what to try next, I've never had a new kernel install fail, 
expect it to "just work."

Bob Goodwin

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