Can't install mplayer - dependency problems

David Timms dtimms at
Mon Jul 16 11:20:15 UTC 2007

Frank Cox wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 01:43:16 -0400
> Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu <m3freak at> wrote:
>> These packages aren't on the Fedora 7 DVD.  Since my local fedora.repo
>> is built from that DVD, the files can't obviously be found.  Why aren't
>> those packages on the DVD?
> The Fedora repo is larger than what you can fit onto a DVD.  Therefore, the DVD
> contains only a subset of the actual available rpm's that are in the Fedora
> repo.
> I suppose you could go to one of the actual repo mirrors and download
> everything there onto your local fileserver, but I don't know if you would gain
> much overall due to the amount of downloading that you would have to do.  But
> that is an option.

There is also some tools to help reposync and {might not be 
useful for F7}.

Because I don't want to download Everything, I made a script that:
- rsyncs from my nearest {own ISP's} fedora/Everything repodata to 
subfolder of the /var/cache/yum/fedora/repodata folder
- makes a link called /var/cache/yum/fedora/Fedora pointing to the 
/var/cache/yum/fedora/packages folder.
- yum -y update this internal mirror.
- vsftpd anon share the yum folder.

Any package that I put on other internal machines, I also install on the 
mirror, so that the update will pull all packages only that my machines 
actually use. When I try something new out, I install it first on the 
mirror - {yum.conf keepcache=1}, which makes it available for the other 
machines to download.


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