64 bit F7

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Wed Jul 18 11:47:33 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 18 July 2007, Chris Jones wrote:
>> Since requirements for computers are more intense now, building 32-bit
>> with SSE/SSE2 by default would make sense, especially if a 20%
>> improvement is noticed in comparison.
>Note that not all 32 bit processors have the SSE/SSE2 extensions - This
>is why gcc does not enable this by default in 32 bit mode. All 64 bit
>processes do so gcc can safely enable it by default, knowing that its
>not going to generate code that some processors cannot run.

My 32 bit Athlon XP-2800 cpu has the SSE extension according to dmidecode.  
How would one go about enabling this in the kernel's Makefile?


Cheers, Gene
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