SMB File Sharing Mystery

Andy Green andy at
Thu Jul 19 05:23:10 UTC 2007

> On Jul 18, 2007, at 10:20 AM, Tim wrote:
>> On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 09:36 -0400, Lovell Mcilwain wrote:
>>> [2007/06/26 20:35:45, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(920)
>>> '/home/lem/temp' does not exist or permission denied when connecting
>>> to [temp] Error was Permission denied
>> Along with Mikkel's question about adding users to Samba, you may also
>> have to change firewall rules to allow Samba connections through, and
>> SELinux rules to allow sharing home space.  I think the defaults are
>> still to deny such things.
> How can I figure out which SELinux rule to edit?

Editing the actual rules is pretty fearsome.  But the rules define some
"user settable switches" which are easy to change.  Often these basic
policy options are all you need to make selinux conform to common setups
-- and it's nice that the list of these options can be discovered easily
from the commandline.  Use

getsebool -a

to get a list of the switches ("booleans") you can turn on or off, and

setsebool <name>=on

to enable it, =off disables it.  If you additionally give -P, then it
will be sticky across reboots.  So it looks like you can try

setsebool -P use_samba_home_dirs=on

for example and restart IIRC the "smb" service.


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