Claws to Mutt

Vikram Goyal vikigoyal at
Fri Jul 20 13:02:30 UTC 2007

On Thu, Jul 19, 2007 at 08:31:04PM -0500, Chris wrote:
> Hiya everyone!
> 	I would love to move from Claws to Mutt.  Can someone point me
> to a How-To or has anyone done this with either Claws or T-Bird and be
> willing to bend my ear?

I use mutt and have written some scripts to auto configure, distribute
mails to lists folders, create a virtual folder so that one may use
other clients, dovecot + clawsmail etc. If you want to try it, mail me

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When all else failed, she tried being reasonable.
(Johnny and the Bomb)

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