
John W. Linville linville at redhat.com
Fri Jul 20 14:26:34 UTC 2007

On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 08:46:17AM -0400, Mark Haney wrote:

> However, some people will bitch and moan about ndiswrapper in general.

If your are comfortable running code in your kernel that wasn't
written to run there, then knock yourself out.  Really, I'm happy
that you got something to work.

But please don't encourage people to use ndiswrapper until they
have tried the in-kernel drivers and actually had problems.  That is
counter productive.  If nothing else, it reinforces the notion that
using Linux requires a bunch of fiddling/compiling/whatever not only
to get started but everytime you update the kernel -- that just isn't
true if you use the in-kernel drivers.

> Their are broadcom drivers in the kernel that people have had varying
> success with.  I've been too busy to try my card with those drivers, but
> I will give it a go this weekend.  My problem is that I'm running
> 64-bit.  The 32-bit modules seem to work pretty well.

_Please_ stop saying this.  Whatever problems might exist with the
in-kernel bcm43xx and bcm43xx-mac80211 drivers, they are not related
to bit-width.  FWIW, much of the development of those drivers is done
on 64-bit powerpc systems.


P.S.  OK, could there be some individual problem with bit-width
somewhere in their?  I suppose.  Is there some general "doesn't work
on 64-bit" issue?  No.
John W. Linville
linville at redhat.com

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