How does a driver stop working??? was Re: and no wireless (3945)

stan stanl at
Sun Jul 22 13:52:18 UTC 2007

On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 08:20:59 -0500
Steven Stern <subscribed-lists at> wrote:

> I crossed my fingers, shut down and restarted.  Unfortunately, that
> didn't do it.  Network Manager is not showing a wireless card.
> I'm using the drivers that ship with F7 and work with the earlier
> kernel.

This has got to be one of the most frustrating things associated with
Linux.  Like going 3 feet forward and slipping 2 feet back.

 How does this happen? Obviously the driver and the hardware
interacted correctly previously.  Is it that the interface for the
driver changed?  Is it a lack of testing/testers?  Is it lack of
consideration from the kernel developers?  What could be done to stop it
from occurring? I'm curious.

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