F7 Kernel USB stick

Steve Searle steve at stevesearle.com
Fri Jul 27 15:43:40 UTC 2007

Around 04:02pm on Friday, July 27, 2007 (UK time), antonio montagnani scrawled:

> And I assume that my early report about USB not working is an early
> warning that should be appreciated by developers, don't you??

I imagine that the ammount of appreciation would be related to the
format, tone and effort of your "early warning".  You did log it in
bugizilla, didn't you.  Assiming you did, and if you don't come accross
as being ungrateful for something that they put a lot of effort into to
provide you with free OS and systems, and if you provide all relevent
information about your hardware, the nature of the problem, and any
messages, then I am sure they will glad you are helping make Fedora


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