SMB Permissions

Adalbert Prokop adalbert.prokop at
Tue Jul 31 16:37:58 UTC 2007

David Frascone wrote on Tuesday 31 July 2007:

> /media (rw to me and my wife, ro for guests)
> /public (rw to me and my wife, ro for guests)
> /private (rw to me and my wife, no other access)
> And, normal (rw) to owners of /home/USER.

> 1) How do I implement a "guest" account?  Make a third account?

Samba already knows the concept of a "guest". All you have to do is tell 
samba, who guest actually is. You can do this in the [global] section 

guest account = nobody

> 2) Is there any way to have both accounts (mine and my wife) create
> files with permissions 777 when we write to shared space, but normal
> permissions (700) when we write to our home directories?

First, the special section name [homes] will create a service for every 
user pointing to the user's home directory. That is the easiest way to 
make homes sharable. You access this share with \\hostname\username.
Type "man smb.conf" and look for "The [homes] section".

The [public] section might look something like this. This is a 
configuration I use for my "public" share.

        comment = Some public data
        path = /data/public
        read only = yes
        guest ok = yes
        write list = me wife
        inherit owner = yes
        create mask = 664
        force create mode = 664    # change to match your need
        force directory mode = 775 # change to match your need
#       force group = trusted      # maybe you want this
        browseable = yes


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