Upgrade from LIVE CD option

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Mon Jun 4 18:26:49 UTC 2007

Tony Nelson wrote:
> At 7:17 PM +0530 6/4/07, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> Mark Haney wrote:
>>> Okay, obviously I"ve missed something.  I expected there to be an
>>> 'upgrade' option in the 'Install from CD' link on the LIVE CD desktop. I
>>> was wrong.  how do I upgrade a system using the CD?  I followed the
>>> install process, but I didn't like getting the feeling I was going to
>>> lose everything if I did it that way.
>>> I have a dozen or so boxes I need to upgrade that don't have DVD-drives.
>>>  And I certainly don't want to use yum, as my test box blew a gasket on it.
>>> And I've found to M to RTF, so I'm lost.
>> Live images can't support upgrades since they just copy the entire image
>> into the file system. You have several options including a network or
>> hard disk installation from DVD images using the boot/rescue.iso images.
> Rahul -- I'm rather ignorant here, but ISTM that the respin tool (Revisor?)
> could be set up so that someone needing CDs could take the DVD image and
> have it written out onto CDs.  Is this doable, but just not done yet?  If
> so, should someone attempting to do this be encouraged to share their
> results?  (I don't need CDs.)

Revisor can use the command line Pungi tool to create regular CD images 
out of Fedora repositories (official, third party or custom) . It doesnt 
split the DVD into CD images though. Revisor is already in the 
repository now so a RFE can be filed in bugzilla. As I have pointed out 
before this article gives you some more information.



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