Installing F7 by CD and not by DVD

Mike McCarty Mike.McCarty at
Mon Jun 4 22:57:39 UTC 2007

David Boles wrote:
> One thing that I have never quite understood about this argument. Granted
> that dialup is very limited. But if it so much trouble and takes so long to
> download a single CD, install it, and then add few extra desired packages by
> downloading just them why is it *not* more time consuming and more trouble
> to download 5 CDs which contain many packages that you will probably never use?

The differences are there.

First, one may not have reliable connections, so downloading an image
piece by piece using, say, wget -c is viable, while failing a yum
install isn't restartable.

Second, one may not have a large piece of disc to devote just to
downloading a huge ISO image, while one may be able to do 700MB pieces
one by one.

Others may occur to you.

> It seems to me that one CD and several packages add later, the way it is for
> F7, would be easier and faster to download and install. What am I missing?

See above.

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