Build for Generic Linux Solved?

Mike McCarty Mike.McCarty at
Tue Jun 5 19:05:27 UTC 2007

Les wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 08:10 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
>>Mike McCarty wrote:

[that he wanted a static link and that]

>>I tried several other things, but this is the one which made
>>the executable actually grow. Brief perusal of the map seems
>>to indicate that the libs got included into the image.
> That would seem to be the correct behavior for the -static option.  You
> should have seen the Make output on your console, which might have

Umm, I just ran the compiler.

> included the libraries that were linked to the code.  That is what the
> -M flag does for you.  I used to use it to generate a make file rule,

-M gives me a link map, I thought.

> but when I moved to IDE's I quite using Makefile systems, most of them
> have a predefined project file of one kind or another which performs the
> functions of Make or actually uses make in the background.  You can also
> use the -static option to only include the libgcc so that you aviod the
> issues of libgcc not being updated and not having the current calls
> implemented.  The other shared library calls seldom change, especially
> for a program like hello (I am assuming this is the "hello world"
> program.

This may be so, but what I saw was that when I tried to run some of
my programs on a Debian system, they complained about wanting a
particular version of certain libraries. The libraries existed, but
not with the exact names the object wanted.

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