F7 DVD problem -

Bob Goodwin - W2BOD bobgoodwin at wildblue.net
Sun Jun 10 01:17:27 UTC 2007

I've had some indication of success with a "hard drive" install from the 
rescue CD using a portable hard drive but now I have to "Select driver 
disk image?"

I had F-7-i386-DVD.iso on the portable drive and did:
mount F-7-i386-DVD.iso /media/PLEOMAX/f7-fs -t iso9660 -o loop

and then copied the resulting set of files to another directory on the 
portable drive and am attempting to do an install from that.

If I select the Fedora directory I get a long list of rpm's ...

Anyway, I am stuck, not knowing what to do at this point.   I either 
don't have the "driver disk image" file or don't know what to use if I 
do have it.  I have run the sha1sums on  the iso files and they all look 
good but I seem to be stymied at every turn.

I guess I could buy a DVD drive that will write a DVD on this FC-6 box 
but even then I have little confidence in that working any better than 
one "burnt" on the Mac.

None of this seems to make any sense?

Any thoughts or comments appreciated.

Bob Goodwin

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