(fedora) Re: Fedora vs OpenSuse

Jacob (=Jouk) Jansen joukj at hrem.nano.tudelft.nl
Wed Jun 13 08:22:30 UTC 2007

>And would be worth, too, to know for what are they going to use either Fedora 
>or OpenSuse, cause if it's to use OpenOffice there's no point in discussing 
>all that :-)
The systems are mainly used to develop application and exchange binaries
with other groups outside the university : so I want to keep my glibc in
synch with the others.

Ofcourse since the machine is there I also use it as typing-machine (i.e.


Bush : All votes are equal but some votes are more equal than others.


  Jouk Jansen
  joukj at hrem.nano.tudelft.nl

  Technische Universiteit Delft        tttttttttt  uu     uu  ddddddd
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