Fedora-7 rant #3: Sound

Skunk Worx skunkworx at verizon.net
Sat Jun 16 20:19:13 UTC 2007

Karl Larsen wrote:
> Skunk Worx wrote:
>> Timothy Murphy wrote:
>>> I'm running F-7 with KDE,
>> Non-default install of a non-RedHat, non-Fedora project.
>    I have the Fedora 7 DVD and it lets you use KDE if you choose to.

I agree it should be completely supported but the fact remains it is 
considered an "alternative" and an "extra".

 From what I can see, the Fedora Project is time and resource limited.

There are definite regressions in both the install quality and the 
stability of the last two F-releases (6 & 7) from my POV.

Even with the warts, I am certain updates will fix a lot of stuff in the 
coming weeks.

I'm not sure why but it is clear Fedora is committed to a frequent 
release cycle--warts and all.

We're gonna have to change their mind, live with it, or change to ubuntu 
or centos or something. Every distro has issues on some machines at some 

>>> and I'm trying to get Skype working.
>> Non-default install of a proprietary non-RedHat, non-Fedora application.
>    It is not even KDE approved :-(

Hopefully they (Skype) will change their mind about their project.

>>> The sound system seems designed for sound engineers,
>>> not ordinary mortals.
>> The huge mess of linux sound infrastructure is shared across linux 
>> flavors and not specific to RedHat or Fedora.
>    Well in fact it works a lot better on Fedora Core 4

With updates or direct from install? The fast release cycle is 
problematic, but it does get a lot of code in front of a lot of people, 
which is probably one of F's goals.

>> KDE added a large sound infrastructure too at some point.
>> For example www.alsa-project.org supports many distros. Perhaps your 
>> comments directed there could help them prioritize things.
>    I will look there too. I didn't know it existed. Do they write the 
> Volume Control for FC6 and F7?

I've been using the gnome controls here, so I can't speak to it. I know 
they has a console mixer in their project for ages. And KDE has 
something analogous to gnome.

>>> What on earth do all these symbols in KMix mean?
>>> (I've left clicked on the loudspeaker icon in my panel,
>>> and clicked on Mixer.)
>>> Whoever designed the sound GUI seemed to have a love affair with 
>>> triangles.
>>> What on earth do these half-filled in triangles mean?
>>> And why do they have a smaller triangle beside them pointing to the 
>>> right?
>>> Why am I given no hint of their meaning when I hover over them?
>> These are KDE apps right? Not designed by RedHat or Fedora, but 
>> offered as an alternative to gnome.
>    And K2B works real good. I just tried the Gnome CD Rom gadget and it 
> works but it is not obvious.
>> This is starting to sound like a KDE,ALSA,Skype rant...all things not 
>> developed by RH or Fedora.
>    If this is the case why did all this work fine on FC4 Skunk Workx.

My opinion : the sped up release cycle is doing this...FP wants to get 
the code out there and running without spending a lot of up-front time 
on perfection. And some machines will have problems.

For example I have F7/Gnome on three desktops and audio is fine. USB 
needed a workaround, and a few odd things here and there, but overall 
the best Fedora yet.

Yet my tests on servers (I have a group of Dell 1425's) show the kernel 
to be fairly broken. Can't network install with DHCP kickstart script, 
ethernet craps out in about 45 minutes with kernel traces, usb on cold 
boot borked (this does have a workaround). Most broken kernel for my 
servers yet of all the Fedora releases!

It hurts a bit right now but I still like having the advanced features. 
The new kernel might fix things Wednesday (fingers crossed).

(Fedora User, no affiliation with RedHat or Fedora Project)

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