wpa_supplicant with multiple cards.

Mario Rossi mariofutire at googlemail.com
Sun Jun 17 20:27:21 UTC 2007


I would like to set up my system to work with 2 wireless cards:
1) centrino ipw2100

I want to leave wpa_supplicant running in the background, while
interface are brought up and down.

I've got a few  issues with wpa_supplicant. I want to avoid any GUI
tool to configure the network, only CLI settings.

1) the configuration file "/etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant" used to
configure the service


How does it work with multiple interfaces? This is what I have as default:

# wlan0 and wifi0
INTERFACES="-iwlan0 -iwifi0"
# ndiswrapper and prism
DRIVERS="-Dndiswrapper -Dprism"

How does it cope with the fact the wpa_supplicant requires "-N" to
separate interfaces?

2) wpa_supplicant is stared AFTER the network:
network is S10
wpa_supplicant is S12
Why so?

3) I have to manually edit
"/etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifup-wireless" to skip everything,
since wpa_supplicant has already taken care of everything.

Am I missing anything?

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