How to change user / group numbers in passwd/group?

Eric spamsink at
Sun Jun 17 23:39:20 UTC 2007

At 06:30 PM 6/17/2007, David Timms wrote:

<DT>>>>>They seem to be system account names, which in the past have ended 
up below 500, and I don't have those account names on my F7.  What web 
server and mail packages did you install?<<<<<

Good evening, David.

I basically installed them all, except for a couple of IMAP options in mail 
servers that created conflicts, and anyway I assume I don't need them if 
I'm running dovecot.

I just used "Add/Remove Software" to remove dbmail, and the dbmail user in 
passwd went away.  Then I used it to remove tclhttpd, but the tclhttpd user 
stayed there.  I guess I"ll do a "ls -lR | grep tclhttpd" and see if there 
are any files remaining that are owned by tclhttpd, and if not, I guess I 
can "userdel" tclhttpd.

If removing dbmail also removed the dbmail user, it's an interesting 
question why removing tclhttpd didn't also remove the tclhttpd user.

<DT>>>>>I found a script a while ago to achieve the changing of userid and 
grpid on files/directories.<<<<<

Can I assume then that usermod won't do that? 

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