evolution weirdness

Rui Miguel Silva Seabra rms at 1407.org
Tue Jun 19 08:55:48 UTC 2007

Ter, 2007-06-19 às 00:27 +0100, Alan Cox escreveu:
> Part of the answer is to take evolution, throw it away.

I agree with this BUT...

>  There are
> multiple good mail clients for Linux and evolution. Yes evolution looks
> like microsoft outlook,

Most multiple good mail clients are just that: mail clients.

Evolution doesn't just look like Microsoft Outlook, it provides some
quite useful features if you work in a Microsoft dominated corporate
network, even without using the brain-dead connector.

I can send and receive invites for meetings, I can quickly convert
emails in tasks, I can make follow-ups of certain emails, I can easily
forward-attach other emails, half-decent ldap integration, nice address
books, etc...

>  but unfortunately its also similar in some other
> inconvenient ways -

Very. Stability, for one.

>  claws-mail is very fast, thunderbird fits nicely with
> firefox, kmail these days is also quite snappy, and on the command line
> mutt is more powerful and faster still.

I'll have to try claws again, maybe it's plugins extend it to make it do
all I need.

Thunderbird, even with lightening, doesn't quite cut it (by light

kmail, likewise. Only with the full K* PIM suite integration it gets to
become useful, but it doesn't look nice and integrated on a GNOME

mutt's the best text-interface email client I know, but it's slow as
hell with large mailboxes, several orders of magnitude slower than
Evolution, in fact. At least as Fedora/RedHat provides it.

Evolution needs a replacement since it looks like nobody is able to
properly manage it's development, nowadays.

But simple MUAs *don't* replace Evolution in a corporate
Microsoft-dominated environment.

It's really sad :|


This statement is false.
Today is Setting Orange, the 24th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3173
+ No matter how much you do, you never do enough -- unknown
+ Whatever you do will be insignificant,
| but it is very important that you do it -- Gandhi
+ So let's do it...?

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