Brief diary of an F-7 installation

Todd Zullinger tmz at
Tue Jun 19 20:42:20 UTC 2007

Les Mikesell wrote:
> Who picks the defaults and why?

Without some defaults the user would have to choose everything.
Offering many choices among things that new users don't know anything
about ends up being a useless choice.

At least, that's how I see the reasoning for having defaults being

As far as who picks them, that's up the folks that do the work on the

> I haven't seen any community poll or feedback mechanism for what the
> most people would prefer as the default.

IMO, polls aren't that useful.  They're just popularity contests,
which aren't widely known for arriving at the best choice (see all
modern democracies for examples of this).

Also, Fedora, like most open source projects, is not a democracy.  The
mob doesn't get its way just because there are more of them with
larger pitchforks.  It's a meritocracy, where those who do the work
and earn the respect of others get more sway in making the decisions.

That's my opinion anyway.  I don't speak for the project by any means.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
I am in shape.  Round is a shape.

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