Where are the Fedora 7 CD ISOs

Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Sat Jun 23 06:40:37 UTC 2007

>> So???  Make ISOs available, and those mirrors that want to can have
>> them, those that don't can just use the DVDs.

Todd Zullinger:
> That's one more thing that then needs to be kept track of by the
> Fedora infrastructure team (so the question "why doesn't mirror x.y.z
> not have the CD isos?" wouldn't have to be answered every other day).

What happened in the past for the mirrors that had CD ISOs but no DVD
ISOs?  I'd never heard of someone saying that was hard to deal with.
And what about mirrors which have install files, but no updates?  Plenty
of ISPs did that (had their own local members areas - which is probably
more useful than mirrors for some, thanks to external download quotas).

> There are numerous ways for people to install without a DVD drive.  I
> don't understand why it's such a big deal that there isn't a set of
> CDs that someone can fiddle with at install time.  If there are that
> many people that think it's important, it seems like more folks would
> have created and helped host them. 

I think anyone who says that isn't considering that you need to provide
options for different people.  Some have no USB ports, some have only an
internal CD-ROM (e.g. many laptops), and many don't have spare drive
space to leave aside for an ISO image on the same hard drive that
they're installing to.  DVD drives are far from ubiquitous, the CD-ROM
is still the prime installation media type for most things.  It's a bit
early to start dropping support for them.

(This box runs FC7, my others still run FC 4, 5, 6, & CentOS 5.0, in
 case that's important to the thread.)

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