Why are some having so much trouble with F7?

Adalbert Prokop adalbert.prokop at gmx.de
Sun Jun 24 10:15:58 UTC 2007

Paul Shaffer wrote on Sunday 24 June 2007:

Hi Paul!

> I think the vast majority of people subscribed to this list are reading
> it to learn (about Fedora), as opposed to a few who seem more inclined
> to use it for demonstrating a reluctance to share their superior
> knowledge with trite RTFM-type quips. 

I think the problem you have with post of others is the perspective. 
Beginners have completely other perspective on problems than experts 
have. Let us not discuss who exactly beginners and experts are. ;)
I don't know to which group you belong. Below are some philosophical 
thoughts a had about this topic. :-)

Many, many users just fire a question to a mailing list, expecting fast, 
easy understandable and helping answers. They forget that Fedora is not a 
commercial product and does NOT provide support contracts bundled with 
installation images. Experts here help others for free, they are not 
dutybound to do it.

That's why the experts expect people who ask questions to meet several 
rules. The most important one: show that you have tried to solve your 
problem yourself. Tell what you tried. It narrows the problem and helps 
to solve it fast.

I think this document can explain it better than I can:

Adalbert Prokop

If little else, the brain is an educational toy. -- Tom Robbins

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