Laptop caution: FC7, you can either have wireless networking or suspend. Maybe not both, for a while

Paul Johnson pauljohn32 at
Tue Jun 26 16:56:41 UTC 2007

On 6/26/07, Jonathan Underwood <jonathan.underwood at> wrote:
> Paul,
> You have my sympathies. I too have had massive problems with the
> iwl3945 driver. It really is unstable and not ready for production
> use. The issues you refer to regarding ipw3945 and suspend are easily
> solved by stopping the regulatory daemon and removing the kernel
> module prior to suspend. You also need to blacklist the iwl3945 module
> if you are using the ipw3945 module.
> An easy way to get all of this to work is to use the dkms-ipw3945
> package shipped by FreshRPMs - that takes care of the suspend issues
> for you. All that you have to do is add a line
> reading
> blacklist iwl3945
> to /etc/modprobe.conf.d/blacklist
> And you're set.
> Jonathan

Dear Johathan:

This was a helpful pointer.  I've not used the FreshRPMS repo lately.
For other readers, I'd just like to clear something up.  The
dkms-ipw3945 package is the kernel module, as far as I can tell it is
the same thing you get if you build  yourself and it does nothing
concerning suspend/resume.  However, the FreshRPMs package ipw3945d,
the regulatory daemon, does have a component that addresses the
suspend/resume problem with ipw3945.

Here is how the problem is addressed.  The RPM installs a file pm
configuration file at this location:


And, as you can see, the content of this file is simple.


case "$1" in
                /sbin/lsmod | grep -q ipw3945 || exit 0
                { /sbin/service ipw3945d stop && /sbin/modprobe -r
ipw3945 ; } 2>/dev/null
                { /sbin/modprobe ipw3945 && /sbin/service ipw3945d
start ; } 2>/dev/null

exit $?

So, if you are having the suspend/resume problem with the intel
ipw3945 driver, then you can install the ipw3945d RPM from FreshRPM or
you can just put this in your power management hooks directory

Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas

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