mail program for FC6

Steve Searle steve at
Sat Mar 3 18:13:03 UTC 2007

Around 05:53pm on Saturday, March 03, 2007 (UK time), Les Mikesell scrawled:

> Yes, pine has one of the most bizarre user interfaces known to man and 
> you aren't going to find anything similar in that respect.  Mutt is a 
> little more sensible, but does anyone still use a character based mailer 
> regularly these days?

Yes I do.  And I'm not alone - there is an active Mutt email list and I
am sure many users beyond that.

> Even if you have a limited bandwidth connection, imap to a local GUI
> mailer iso a lot nicer.

In your opionion, not mine.  Mutt has everything I want, can be
configured exactly how I want, and does things I have not yet found
available in any other application - GUI or otherwise.  I can also run
it via SSH and putty from any Windows machine - I keep putty and my SSH
keu on my phone's memory card.



A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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