File-name encodings and unzip

Colin Paul Adams colin at
Sun Mar 4 10:29:26 UTC 2007


I have a file which I got from a zip file, unzipped with the unzip

If I do ls on the directory from an X11 terminal or from the console,
I see the name as xgespr?ch.xml.

If I use emacs to view the directory, instead of the ?, I see a
lower-case a-umlaut (which I know is the intended name).

>From which I tentatively conclude that the file-name encoding is
ISO-8859-1, rather than UTF-8.

Are file-names supposed to be encoded on Linux as UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1,
or is it configurable?

This system is FC5, but a more general answer would be appreciated if

Also, how does unzip interpret file names? I cannot see an options to
allow trans-coding of the names to UTF-8 (I'm assuming the directory of
the zip file is encoded as ISO-8859-1, but again I don't know - I'm
trying to find out from the originator of the zip file what the
file-name encoding is on her system).
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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