PS/2 peripherals

Gareth Howlett gareth.howlett at
Tue Mar 6 17:52:19 UTC 2007

Gareth Howlett wrote:
> We've got a number of computers sitting around the office that don't
> detect PS/2 peripherals when plugged-in.  If they were plugged-in
> boot they work just fine, but if they were plugged-in after boot they
> 1)       Anyone here ever heard of this before?
> 2)       Is there anything I can do about it (force a kernel
> I've checked the BIOS settings and I'm using FC4 (2.6.12-1.1447).
> and /var/log/messages don't display anything relevant (in the
> case).
First of all, most (all) PS/2 devices are not designed to be
hotplugged. Depending on the BIOS, it may disable the PS/2 mouse
connection if there is not a mouse plugged in at boot. There may be
a BIOS setting for this. But if I remember correctly, this is a
choice of off or auto.

Depending on your hardware, you may also be running the risk of
destroying the PS/2 device or motherboard circuitry.


Its likely that you have blown the ps2 ports by hot plugging. The bios
only report whats plugged into them durring the post test, so if you
plug in 
a mouse or key board after the post test has finished the biosdoes not


They aren't blown... just unresponsive until after reboot.  I had
imagined it was much like Mikkel said but I wanted to confirm my
suspicions.  It's really too bad there isn't a way to ask BIOS to search
again.  Anyway, no big deal - I figure we've got two options...

- Live with it.

- Find a PS/2 adapter which always shows a peripheral connected (I know
they exist for monitor connections).

And a note for next time - make sure we have enough PS/2 ports and base
our KVM on it as well.

- Gareth

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