Can't start SWAT on my FC6 box

Tom Gederberg cheetaux at
Sat Mar 10 16:39:02 UTC 2007


I installed Samba (see below), edited the /etc/xinetd.d/swat file as
   service swat
      	port		= 901
	socket_type	= stream
	wait 		= no
	only_from 	=
	user		= root
	server		= /usr/sbin/swat
	log_on_failure	+= USERID
	disable		= no
and restarted the xinetd daemon (/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart).
However when I try to connect to http://localhost:901 using Mozilla, it
says that it is unable to connect.  Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

Here are the list of installed Samba packages:
samba.i386             3.0.24-1.fc6           installed       
samba-client.i386      3.0.24-1.fc6           installed       
samba-common.i386      3.0.24-1.fc6           installed       
samba-swat.i386        3.0.24-1.fc6           installed  


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