M$ Project

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at infinity-ltd.com
Thu Mar 15 18:15:32 UTC 2007

Srikanth Konjarla wrote:
> Apparently Openoffice (2.0.4 fc6) could not open the .mpp file created
> by Office 2007. Would it be possible that it is incompatible?
I would say "probable" instead of "possible". From what I have read,
it looks like most of the file formats changed again with Office
2007. In the past, only a couple of file formats used by office
would change when the version was upgraded. You could tell what
formats by the save as options for older formats, and the updates
that would eventually come out for the last version letting them
read the new format. This tends to force people to upgrade office so
they can modify.write the new formats.

To make matters more interesting, the specifications for the file
formats are not released, so someone has to put in the effort to
figure them out before you can write a converter for programs like
Open Office.

Don't be surprised if people with older versions of office can not
open the file ether.


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