Help troubleshooting mutt and sendmail

Ambrogio fn050202 at
Thu Mar 15 20:19:42 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I have a strange problem and I cant understand how to solve it.

I'm looking for a simple command to send a file by email.
I found mutt and I checked it.
I'm thought that it was vary well for my job.

So now I use 
  export EMAIL="my name <myaddress at domain"
  mutt -n -a filename -s "subject" dest_address at domain < /dev/null

Now I need help solving a big problem (big is for me).
I configured local sendmail to use an authenticated smtp.

I have 3 email address mail1 at domain1 mail2 at domain2 mail3 at domain3

This is a table changing sender and receiver

mail1		mail1		received
mail1		mail2		received
mail1		mail3		not received
mail2		mail1		received
mail2		mail2		received
mail2		mail3		not received
mail3		mail1		received
mail3		mail2		received
mail3		mail3		not received

Ok, it seems that domain3 is not working, but if I use evolution to send
to mail3 it works well.
Also if I use 
 sendmail -F"nome" -f"mail1" -v mail3
 test messages
it arrives to mail3

I cant understand what is not working (maybe that I need to set some
other environment var, but I don't know).

There is someone that can help me?


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