Ubuntu 1, Fedora 0

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Fri Mar 16 15:07:52 UTC 2007

Patrick wrote:

>> Is this just a excuse to go to ubuntu?
> If so the OP is welcome to do so and I hope he finds what he is seeking.
> I like using Fedora and there are those that like Ubuntu as I'm made all

Ah steady on, there have been exactly the problems that Timothy mentions 
dogging previous versions of Fedora to my memory, at least two different 
releases had problems getting burned for some people that did not seem 
to be user error, and I do not recall reading any closure or even true 
understanding of why, except some teethgrinding about the cdrecord guy. 
  It's not in itself insane to imagine that can be some well hidden 
issue deep in the tools used to generate the ISOs.

Ubuntu currently has some mindshare (not least I see it from my logs) 
but let's not have a denouncement and purge of Ubuntu touchers :-) 
Gentoo also used to be the most awesome sparkling thing imaginable to a 
lot of people -- and it had the same LED-eyed army of promoters. 
Although I don't remember any gentoo gals making the logo with their 

In the bigger picture it's okay if people are coming in on Ubuntu or 
Fedora or whatever, they're still leaving a bad place and getting to a 
good place.


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