format external drive ext3

François Patte francois.patte at
Sat Mar 24 04:10:11 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Daniel Jensen a écrit :
| I purchased an external drive  (250GB) and would like to format ext3 to
| use for back-ups or additional storage.  Since, I'm new to Linux not
| sure how to start the process.  Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Have you any reason why you want to change the file system on your
drive? Usually these HD ara M$ formatted and so they can be use on every
computer (sigh), so if you want to use it to make some exchange from
your computer with a M$ one, you'd better keep it as it is.

If you want it linux file system formatted it is quite easy to do
(remember also that you will loose about 5% if you format in ext3,
because of the journal, do you need ext3?):

plug your drive, execute the df command to see on which device it is
mounted. Assuming this device is /dev/sdd1 (df will return something like:

/dev/sdd1 <some numbers...> /media/usbdisk)

execute: umount /media/usbdisk

then: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdd1

That's all

If you want to partition your disk, use fdisk, sfdisk, whatever...
before formating each partition you have created. If you want to make
exchanges with M$ systems, you culd format a partition of your drive as
a M$ file system (mkfs.msdos)

- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université René Descartes
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


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