kernel upgrade with yum removed old kernels

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Mon May 7 11:27:29 UTC 2007

Martin Marques wrote:
> Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> * yum presto plugin which downloads delta rpms instead of full 
>> updates. These aren't mirror widely yet but should happen sooner or 
>> later.
> I found presto yesterday, but didn't fully understand what it was for. 
> Could you give an example of how it works?


How it works

Yum Presto plugin uses deltarpms aka drpms which are binary diff's 
between updates and the original version. So if for example gets a update that changes 3 files the delta rpms would 
contain that instead of the full update which is essentially a complete 
new installation of the package with the configuration files preserved 
from the older version.

More details at

Using it

# yum install yum-presto (plugin is in Fedora Extras)

Edit /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/presto.conf and enable the repositories. Do 
not enable development unless you are using the test/development version 
of Fedora. Core and Extras repositories are available in the 
configuration file and commented out.

Livna is also available at


# yum update

You should be able to see presto plugin being loaded and delta rpms 
being downloaded instead of the full updates along with whatever size 
savings that gets you post installation.


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