fc7 test4 to F7 General Availability.

Marcelo Magno T. Sales marcelo.sales at sefaz.pe.gov.br
Thu May 10 16:01:00 UTC 2007

Em Qui 10 Mai 2007, taharka escreveu:
> How do,
> On Thu, 2007-05-10 at 12:00 +0200, Matej Cepl wrote:
> > On 2007-05-09, 20:52 GMT, Kam Leo wrote:
> > > SUSE's default is reiser.  I don't know how FC7 treats that
> > > file system.
> >
> > Used to be http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/10/12/2120204
> > -- now they are on ext3fs as the rest of the Linux world.
> The above statement is true however, the OP stated, "I'm working on
> moving from suse 10 to fc7". The default file system for suse 10 is
> reiser. IIRC, ext3fs as the default started with opensuse 10.2. Also
> note, with opensuse 10.2 you can still install the reiser file system.
> It's just not the default. Question remains, how does FC7 treat that
> file system?

If you have reiser file systems created before installing F7, they will be 
shown during installation and you can specify their mount points normally, as 
you would with an ext file system. Anaconda just does not present reiserfs as 
an option for creating new file systems during installation, but you can use 
reiser file systems if they already exist. Anyway, you can enable the 
creation of reiserfs partitions during installation using the "reiserfs" 
kernel parameter (type "linux reiserfs" when starting the installation 
instead of just pressing enter).
If you choose to use reiser partitions, maybe you should disable selinux, 
since it's not supported by this file system ("linux reiserfs selinux=0").
This is how it worked in FC6, so I believe it remains like that in F7, but I 
have not tested it.


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