OT: Requesting C advice

John Wendel john.wendel at metnet.navy.mil
Wed May 23 20:50:48 UTC 2007

George Arseneault wrote:
> Hey All:
> Decided to get back into programing to get my mind out
> of the rut its in.  Got an old text book from a friend
> (C: step by step, printed 1990!) and did man gcc to
> find out about the compiler. Then, did info gcc to
> find something I could understand. Overall, it was
> easier then I thought it would be. I didn't have to
> use any of the options on gcc and kwrite with
> highlighting makes the source code much easier to
> read. (back in '85 it was WordStar and two different
> compilers to get the executable.)
> Now the bad news... C, C++, gnu, several variations on
> the ISO; not to mention all the libraries, etc.  And,
> to top it off, some of the stuff in the book just
> doesn't work.  (A program to demonstrate the various
> types of integer variables and how to display them
> with printf(), failed to show any difference with any
> arguments I could find.)
> What I'm looking for is any advice on where I can get
> this info.  Preferably free docs and how-to's, since I
> don't have the cash to buy any books. (Though, I could
> try the library's inter-branch loan program. My branch
> has no C books and nothing about computers less than
> 10 years old.)
> All help will be appreciated.
> Many Thanks
> George

<< http://mindview.net/ >> has a great collection of programming 
books. ALL FREE to download, though when you get rich selling your 
GPLed code, you can buy a paper version.



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