I love IP Tables....

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Mon May 28 00:47:14 UTC 2007

From: "Les Mikesell" <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

> Tom Rivers wrote:
>> On Sat, 2007-05-26 at 13:16 -0700, Wolfgang S. Rupprecht wrote:
>>> Such programs help you save the CPU time of sshd answering the
>>> connection from a single abusive host, but would do little against a
>>> distributed botnet attack.  Luckily botnets aren't really used against
>>> sshd yet, but it they were you'd potentially be seeing distributed
>>> guessing attacks from 10,000 different hosts.  If they all took turns
>>> to guess a single password in round-robin fashion, the filters would
>>> never trip.
>> You're right.  What do you recommend to protect against this sort of
>> attack?
> Don't make a lot of enemies???

More like, "don't look like a very juicy target."

A tarpit machine with a redirection based on recent might be a really
fun trick if you want some entertainment.


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