FC-7 ?

Martin Marques martin at bugs.unl.edu.ar
Mon May 28 12:15:45 UTC 2007

Ed Greshko wrote:
> sizo nsibande wrote:
>> Let's hope they don't push it any further.
> The world won't collapse if they push out the date.  However, it may if they
> push it out before it is ready.
> I'm curious, why the rush for FC7?  Are the bits you have from FC6 going stale?

In my case, I want new Firefox and thunderbird.

Tried configuring spanish dictionary and it didn't work. Firefox plugin 
page says there are plugins for Firefox and thunderbird 2.0

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Centro de Telemática        |       '@' || 'unl.edu.ar';
Universidad Nacional        |   DBA, Programador,
     del Litoral             |   Administrador

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