network profiles - do they work for you? they are broken for me!

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Mon May 28 16:19:23 UTC 2007

On Monday 28 May 2007 11:45:54 am Valent Turkovic wrote:
> and NetworkManager under fedora doesn't have any options for
> configuring "profiles" with static IP addresses - one feature I found

  This was the problem I had with it initially - I was hopeful it would be 
fixed by now.

  I too am exposed to a blend of environments, wired, wireless, static and 
dynamic and while I had hoped to use NM - until it does what I want I took a 
different approach.

  I wrote a little shell script which manages my profiles - each profile is a 
directory which contains network configs, wireless keys, dns, resolv.conf, 
sendmail and ntp info. The script takes the profile name as an argument - I 
added a panel (kde in my case) and attached the script to several icons - 
make the user sudo permissioned to run the script. 

  Now I just open the panel and click the profile I want - this may or may not 
work for you.

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