nasty *.rpmnew buildup on my system

D. Hugh Redelmeier hugh at
Mon May 28 21:33:36 UTC 2007

On my system there is a nasty buildup of .rpmnew files.  This is
because the installation of i386 and x86_64 versions of the same
package fight over the config files: one wins and the other creates a
.rpmnew.  And they only differ in timestamp.

I don't have problems with a buildup of .rpmsave or .rpmorig files but
that could happen.

To deal with this stupidity, I use the following shell script.  For
each .rpmnew file (found by locate), the file is compared with the
non-rpmnew version.  If the files have identical content (ignoring
permissions and timestamps) the .rpmnew is deleted; otherwise, a diff
is done.

If there is actually a difference, it is a good idea to try to figure
out why and fix it.  One source of differences is customization that
you have done (you don't want this blown away).  Another source is a
change made as part of the update (intended to be an improvement!).

# remove .rpmnew files that have content that is the same as the base file

set -u -e

locate '*.rpmnew' |
    while read FS
        F=`expr match "$FS" '\(.*\)\.rpmnew$'`
        if cmp "$F" "$FS"
            echo remove "$FS"
            rm "$FS"
            [ "$?" == 1 ] && diff -u "$F" "$FS" || :

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