Please 'leak' Fedora 8

Phil Meyer pmeyer at
Tue Nov 6 22:37:27 UTC 2007

Kip Thomas wrote:
> Create an occasional leak in the form of incorrect ftp permission
> somewhere, intentionally or not.
> #1.  Leaking a release builds enthusiasm among hobbyists (as Fedora
> community should be).
> #2.  It helps create publicity.
> Just a suggestion.  Tnx.

I will give my method for finding it early, but I will leave the 
implementation details for your personal discovery.

First, the puzzle pieces.

The mirror lists can be downloaded to a file.

You have two sources for the mirror lists already:
 1. /etc/yum.repos.d/*
 2. repo list

The list has an important piece of the puzzle:  The country codes.

wget a mirror list and look at the first line, it gives a clue that you 
can include the country code in the query.

Create a text file containing all mirrors in all country codes.
Edit the list to append the correct iso name.

foreach url in list
wget $url

When one hits, immediately interrupt it and do it from the command line.

Easy peasy.

There are ALWAYS a couple of mirrors that don't get permissions set up 
correctly on the first pass.

Good luck!

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